Technological Retreat - 03/28/21

Episode 2 March 29, 2021 01:00:00
Technological Retreat - 03/28/21
Technological Retreat
Technological Retreat - 03/28/21

Mar 29 2021 | 01:00:00


Hosted By

Greg Carr

Show Notes

This is the second episode in this set of 1-hour re-broadcasts. All of these sounds that you’ll be hearing were originally broadcast in October and November of 1988, somewhere in the middle of the night. During this period, I was making lots of background audio tapes of radios and TV flipping from channel to channel. Enjoying the static and fragmented dialogs along with pieces of popular mass media bouncing source to source. A lot of this was noise, sometimes very sweet noise, sometimes not. I would use these as sound beds, layering more and more into them, like a visual collage.
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello, my name is Greg Carr. You're about to take the technological retreat into the middle of the night of the 20th century technological retreat broadcast between 1985 and 1989 from one to 6:00 AM on a Sunday night, Monday morning, these programs are collections of the live mixes or sound collages that I enjoyed making these words sample or dance based. Mixing. It's more like soundtracks from the subconscious could last moments or stretch on and on into that place. Speaker 1 00:00:31 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:00:50 Okay. Good morning. It's one 20 9:35 AM. And you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM, you are listening to technological retreat. My name is Greg. Hello. How's it going? That was kind of a long set. Wasn't it? About a half hour or so? Um, that last tune by itself was David Byrne and Brian Eno from the, um, compact disc, my life in the Bush of ghosts. And that's called very, very hungry. And I guess that's not on that album. So pretty unique tune. I imagine, uh, Bauhaus before that with Bela Lugosi is dead. A little mix before that consisting of, uh, a tape made for a installation at the note, um, defunct rifle, sport gallery on Hennepin Glenn Bronca and John Giorno with what are you staring at? Mahler's third symphony or ninth symphony. The third act really bogus space movie right here. Speaker 1 00:02:05 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:02:10 Where did he go? Tibetan Buddhism. Tantra is of Gilberto and that was my <inaudible> an excerpt from that and started off with the dream syndicate and Halloween. It is Halloween happy new year. All you people out there. Um, stay tuned. The phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. It's late dial. Careful. Thanks for your support. Stay tuned. Be happy, happy Halloween. Speaker 1 00:02:45 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:02:52 A time when the veils between the worlds is the thinnest Speaker 1 00:02:56 <inaudible> one 30 (140) 372-1493 six <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible>. Speaker 3 00:08:45 Thanks for tuning in to camp AI. All of these sounds that you're hearing were originally broadcast in October and November of 1988, somewhere in the middle of technological retreat was an experimental radio show in my experiments where the sound collages would fill the airway. During this period, I was making audio tapes of radios and TVs being flipped from channel to channel and joining the static and fragmented dialogues along with pieces of popular mass media. That bounce from that source source. A lot of this was noise, sometimes very sweet noise. Sometimes not. I would use these as soundbeds layering more and more into like a visual Speaker 1 00:09:43 <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:12:46 It's three 57 and 20 seconds. And, um, you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM real schmaltzy. Speaking of schmaltz, Eddie Albert with blowing in the wind in dub just couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry. William Burroughs by request with Clem snide, It's really close to 4:00 AM. The phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. This is, uh, Roger Eno, very, um, warped record. That was Kai was like skipping around a lot and a guy by the name of Eric Lindy, who is the among other things, the drummer for the sky, Teddy local band, like some far track mixes and stuff. Speaker 1 00:13:40 Um, Speaker 2 00:13:43 Stay tuned, have a good time, have some more coffee, wake up, go to sleep, get back to work, get back to sleep, whatever it is that you're not doing, that you should be doing right now and stay tuned all the time. Okay. Bye-bye Speaker 1 00:13:59 <inaudible>, <inaudible> a portion that you might consider a little unusual, but in a personal and growth and development <inaudible> and he says, listen, let's really look at this thing. We can all remember when we got married in our twenties, we didn't have any money. We have mediocre medicine in America, where today we have the five <inaudible>. What have you done about it? The answer is no, <inaudible> basically nominated centralized government, which there will be no regarded <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible>. Hello? How are you? Speaker 4 00:23:46 Three 22, 20 9:00 AM. And you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe, Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM stay tuned. You're listening to technological retreat. The phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. And I have no idea what I'm going to be playing next, but I'm sure it will be something. So what more can you ask for? I don't know. So stay tuned. Bye-bye Speaker 1 00:24:53 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:28:39 Okay. Hello. It's one 10:15 AM. And you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM. My name is Greg. This is my show technological retreat. I'm here every week at this time, Sunday night, Monday morning, one to 6:00 AM, and I hope you can be too. Um, this show I'm taping for my, my brother's birthday hijab. Happy birthday. How's it going? Okay. Um, this din in the background is Steve Tibbetts from the his exploded view album. And this is metal summer. And before that was the X festival mixed in with John Zoran and playing the music of any Morricone. And that was with battle of Algiers. Speaker 1 00:29:41 None Speaker 4 00:29:42 Of us Blind idiot, God with the tune, dark and light from the no age, a compilation of SST, instrumental music, and started off with Wolf. The tune called drain and that's from, uh, the 1986 compilation cassette. Um, so it's now one 1144. Stay tuned. The phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. I'm sure something else will be coming up real soon. So stay tuned. Okay. Bye-bye Speaker 1 00:30:26 <inaudible> <inaudible>, <inaudible> Speaker 5 00:37:14 Some of the most pathetic than I've ever seen in my life. Well, he said his reading and his notes were his profession that they took $5 <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:40:42 <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 4 00:48:04 So stay tuned, put on all your headphones and your, your phones and your nose, phones, iPhones, uh, phones, phone, cheese, whenever you want stay tuned. Speaker 1 00:48:20 <inaudible> is it's an underground only the strong smell. The Beatles are trapped inside their attempts to escape. <inaudible> Speaker 4 00:50:03 Good morning. It's two 46 and three seconds in the morning. You, yes, you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 F am howdy. My name, Greg. I'm having a pretty good time. I hope you are too doing. God knows whatever you're doing with quarter to three in the morning, that last bit was Tupelo chain sex with spot. The difference from their first records, not actually not their first record, your third record spot. The difference to buy the special AKA from their album in the studio. And that was racist friend and war crimes. Speaker 4 00:51:01 That actually was that set. It's two 47. Now you are listening to technological retreat. My name is Greg. The guy just said that I don't know. It's quarter to three in the morning. Expect me to remember these things. I don't want to expect you to remember these things. One thing I do expect you to remember though, is that Tuesday is election day. Get your butt out there and vote very important. If you don't vote, you have no reason to gripe or complain, which I'm sure you will. If you don't only takes about 15% of this country to elect a president. So figure you might as well vote. No one else is going to so get your butts out there also something else I'd like to, uh, encourage you all to remember is that the phone number here is seven two one five Oh one one. This is a community radio station. That means we're here for you out there. You people keep us going. Here's the reason why we're here. I don't know. It's a pretty good deal to me. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm alive. I don't know why you're awake, but anyway, if you want to hear something seven two one five Oh one, one. Or if you have a good cough remedy, give me a call. Seven two one five Oh one, one. Stay tuned out there. Speaker 1 00:52:24 <inaudible> as they absorb <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 5 00:53:52 Margaret land, the elephant. I don't cause a fuss. I love your spam. I love it. Oh, in spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam bait beans, spam, spam, spam, and spam. Speaker 1 00:54:32 <inaudible>. Speaker 5 00:54:41 Can I have a spamming citizen? Speaker 1 00:54:46 <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:57:40 Wait to tune ups and downs. It's two 50 9:03 AM. You are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM Monte Python with spam and Royal festival hall. Speaker 1 00:57:59 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:58:12 So this is the residence it's real close to 3:00 AM. You're listening to Speaker 1 00:58:17 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:58:46 Anyway, I forgot this one. Had words. Sorry about that. But, um, stay tuned. Three more hours. Seven two one four nine three six is the phone number I've been looking for some requests. I wouldn't mind looking for some more. Anyone out there has any stay tuned, going to hear another resident's song in full after this called Walter Westinghouse then who knows what? I certainly don't stay tuned. Bye bye. Thanks for listening and entertaining. Technological. Speaker 0 00:59:23 My name is Greg Carr and I created and produced this program in 1985 through 1789 on caffeine, fresh air community radio. And I'm very happy to be presenting these examples and experimental radio programming. Thanks also to cafe I and cafe, fresh air radio for hosting. These programs KFH is a dollar. This has been a listener supported independent community oriented radio station. If you liked that idea and enjoy the creative, independent programmers and programming that had produced, please consider pledging your financial support at cafe icon.

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