Technological Retreat - 04/11/21

April 13, 2021 01:00:00
Technological Retreat - 04/11/21
Technological Retreat
Technological Retreat - 04/11/21

Apr 13 2021 | 01:00:00


Hosted By

Greg Carr

Show Notes

This episode of Technological Retreat features mixes from three nights in November of 1988. Lots of varied sounds that go around in this hour. Tibetan Monks & Humpback Whales in dub – Stravinsky & The Marx Brothers & John Michael Jarre fight it out – Muhamad Ali battles Mr Tooth Decay in an alternate reality – more media manipulations and somewhat witty banter. Thanks for tuning in and checking it out.
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello, my name is Greg Carr. You're about to take the technological treatment in the middle of the night. Technological retreat broadcast between 1985 to 6:00 AM. On Sunday night. These programs are collections of the live mixes or sound collages that I enjoyed these weren't sample or dance based. Makes sense more like soundtracks from subconscious could last moments or stretch on and on <inaudible> 17 seconds in the morning. Um, caffeine. Anyway, Speaker 1 00:01:40 You're listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 F M. Well, it's like two in the morning. Uh, you're listening to technological retreat, stay tuned. I guess the phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. Um, I'm going to go over to the clipboard and see if there's anything interesting. Hold on a second. Okay. Speaker 1 00:03:07 Well, I don't see anything. It's two Oh two two phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. Give me a call. Okay, please. Somebody please. Speaker 1 00:11:55 Boy, I am rushing. I don't know about you folks. Um, anyway, I guess that's kind of the cerebral set international cerebral set, sort of, um, all except for the Pogues, um, that was to buy the Pogues with Greenland whale fisheries and Dingle regatta. Yes, dissident. And before that with Ana Shyla, yellow, yellow, and the SoCo with, uh, rowing song part one, um, and an excerpt of this, which is, uh, a compact disc that the radio station just got. And this is, uh, called tantras of GoTo Tibetan Buddhism. And this is actually a 41 minute chant, which is an excerpt from a seven and a half hour chant. It's called Simon. Dupa sure it's like one DuPont. Um, it's pretty wild. Actually. You should like, if you have headphones, put your headphones on it's exciting. Um, bird songs of the Mesozoic with Triassic, Jurassic CEO's, which is probably the name of a dinosaur knowing those guys. And, uh, there are periods of time. Uh, wow. Speaker 1 00:13:31 Well, yeah, the bird song is the Mesozoic anyway. Hi, um, you are listening to a show called technological retreat, which is late night, audio mingling and very meeting responses and all sorts of different kinds of stuff. Sometimes all going at the same time and sometimes going by itself. And it's two 31 13. You're listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 F M. Hello, the phone number is seven two one four nine three six. Um, coming up in a bit probably, well, definitely is going to be some Robert Fripp by request and, uh, who knows what else? I think I'm going to listen to this amongst stuff for awhile. The phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. If you want to make a request, that's the number to do it. Um, this show goes from one to 6:00 AM, you know, five hours. It's a lot of time, lots of time to play different kinds of stuff, which is a good time to do it. Blah, blah, blah. Anyway, stay tuned. Seven two one four nine three six. Thank you. Speaker 2 00:22:00 Transaction completed. Earth. Creature is now the partying Speaker 2 00:22:09 Walking was he ran standby. Speaker 2 00:22:20 You usually don't pay them so much and then trample the place down. I just wanted to get him out of here. I'm starting to black out where you build up a tolerance to it after a while. It's the same with the coffee and cigarettes. Oh, that's the caffeine and nicotine syndrome. Isn't it? Yes. As a matter of fact, I have some here I cigarettes cigarettes. Yes. And over here I have some coffee, perking cooking. Let's look here. Why don't you come back and try something? Well, I don't know. It is intensely interesting. Speaker 3 00:24:12 It's four 24 Oh four. Am you and everyone else who is awake, including you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years, the community's voice for information entertainment and the arts KFAN Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM. That last bit of music was Steve Tibbetts from his exploded view Speaker 0 00:24:38 Album. Speaker 3 00:24:41 And that was metal summer. Pretty awesome. Huh? Sakara dogs before that and talking heads before that, you're listening to technological retreat, late night stuff. Good music to space out too. Phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. If you've got a request That's about it. So I can think of Stay tuned, stay tuned. Ooh. It says here that fresh air programming is now being broadcast on continental cable in St. Paul. This means we have brand new listeners who are not familiar with the station, help them out by giving the station ID several times per hour, plus introducing yourself your program. That's a really good idea to think about that. Speaker 3 00:28:26 Okay. I how's it going. That's good. It's one 1759 seconds. Am you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years now, the community's voice for information and entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM. Hello, my name is Greg. This is my show. It is called technological retreat. It's every Sunday night, Monday morning, one to 6:00 AM, late night stuff. Lots of different kinds of stuff. You just heard. Mark Stewart and mafia with as the veneer of democracy begins to fade, um, an excerpt from the technological retreat theme among of all things. Imagine that started off with the Buzzcocks with airwaves dream from their Buzzcocks parts, one through three EAP. Okay. Okay. So it's now one 18 and 49 seconds. Phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. Stay tuned. If you want to hear something, give me a call. Okay. Okay. Okay. Coming up next. No, I don't. That's for sure. So coming next is a mix from an old show that I found while a all stuck on the tail end of another tape. And, uh, it starts off with something that Chris know uses the beginning of his show rodeo peligroso but it actually predates that, but don't tell him, okay. Okay, bye bye Speaker 0 00:30:13 Ceremonies in the name of Zeus and the name of God of the dead in the name of all of those for cars that they do not comprehend in the name of the lives of the dead soldiers in Vietnam, who were killed because of a bad karma and the name of the barn Aphrodite, and the name of the modular matter day on the day off and the name of Diane <inaudible> and find out what ages are actually in fire. The name of Hermes and the name of the beat and the name of the scarab. And then name the name of the Tyrone power in the name of Rob <inaudible>. By the way, my name's Jack, I'm going to take you on a stereophonic tour of the city. <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> the beginning of the end. <inaudible> about that in the NFL town West here with sports and in the beginning of a new traditionally spent new Orleans is the only way down you just going through the motions with only two weeks left in the regular season, 11 of the 14 clubs in the conference still have a shot at making the playoffs a couple of the countless contenders. Speaker 3 00:37:20 Okay. Hi, how's it going? It's one 54 35 seconds am. And you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts. What a deal, huh? Cafe in Minneapolis in St. Paul at 90.3 FM. That last piece of music was a triumphal March of the devil from Stravinsky's operetta. The soldier's tale. Yes. Cleaving. Yes. Speaker 0 00:37:59 In a second. Speaker 3 00:38:02 Get this out of here. Okay. Um, and started off with an old mix a long time ago. Probably like a half an hour or so maybe longer ago, but heck who cares? It's late at night. Wow. Ooh. Let's live at up. Okay. Wacky, wacky wacky. So anyway, it's one 56, 22:00 AM phone number here is seven two one four nine three six four. Yeah. Four more hours plus of stuff to do. So if you want to hear in particular, give me a call. Okay. Okay. Seven two one four nine three six, dial. Careful. It is late outside. Speaker 4 00:42:21 Be on a collision course for them. It will be the end to begin. If we don't see each other again, child and a half minutes to blast off demands, everything. Speaker 4 00:42:51 I recognize the wind find eliminate us first. All your teammates in person Speaker 5 00:46:10 Back's a sticky colorless film of harmful bacteria that is constantly forming in your mouth. Willy plaque and sugar cubes. Get together to form harmful acids. Speaker 0 00:46:22 Those decay causing guys I produced for 10 minutes immediately. They attack the <inaudible> as the farming guys destroy. Really depends on <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 3 00:55:50 Good morning, everybody. It is 3:00 AM exciting. Isn't it? And you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM, you're listening to penguin cafe orchestra right now, Speaker 0 00:56:23 Name Speaker 3 00:56:24 Of this one is dirt. Yes. Previous to that was boiled in dub with twice Corby's Speaker 3 00:56:38 Sonic youth with within you and without you from the Sergeant pepper new my father album. I am your flag by the beat from their weapon album, Frank Zappa with tango and the Mensha ton, uh, from the Ryko steel, this disc number two compact disc started off the set with talking heads from the fear of music, album and drugs. Okay. Stay tuned. Um, three more hours to go. Lots of stuff. The show isn't even half over yet. Folks. I'm excited. I hope you are too. Um, phone number is seven two one four nine three six. You got any ideas? Give me a call. Uh, and I can't find that other Oh, for a HAZOP album. So it goes, so stay tuned. Seven two one four nine three six Speaker 3 00:59:18 Thanks for listening in and taking a technological back into the 20th Speaker 7 00:59:22 Century. My name is Greg Caren. I created and produced this program from 1985 through 1789 on caffeine, fresh air community radio. And I'm very happy to be presenting these examples and experimental radio programming. Thanks also to cafe I and cafe, fresh air radio for hosting these programs KFH is the dollar has been a listener supported independent community oriented radio station. If you liked that idea and enjoy the creative, independent programmers and programming that had produced, please consider pledging your financial support at cafe icon.

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