Technological Retreat - 03/21/21

Episode 1 March 21, 2021 00:59:47
Technological Retreat - 03/21/21
Technological Retreat
Technological Retreat - 03/21/21

Mar 21 2021 | 00:59:47


Hosted By

Greg Carr

Show Notes

I’m here to announce more of the same! Beginning this Sunday at 4 pm, available online through KFAI’s “Irregular Audio (FA2)” stream will be the next series of one-hour Technological Retreat programs, featuring the audio sound collages from my 20th century radio program, that was broadcast from 1985 – 1989, and on between 1am – 6am on Sunday nights – Monday mornings.
Several years ago, I digitized over 100 cassettes of these shows and have been taking the sound collages or mixes, and putting them together in 1-hour presentations. 15 of these programs are available on KFAI’s website and on Spotify.
Sound collage is the live layering and mixing of different audio sources to create new pieces. Similar to the creation of a visual collage. Not an idea that I invented, but one I certainly played around with. My stuff never was sample based or a dance mix, more like a soundtrack for the subconscious. Radio & TV chatter, ambient city sounds and musical beds all mushed up. Now it’s called mash up.
Technological Retreat is available online through KFAI’s “Irregular Audio (FA2)” stream in conveniently sized travel packages, ready for your own personnel usage. Please listen Sunday at 4pm or at any time of your choosing through KFAI’s archive. I’m excited to be presenting these experimental radio programs through KFAI’s digital media stream.
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello. My name is Greg. You're about to take a technological retreat into the middle of the night of the 20th century technological retreat broadcast between 1985 from one to 6:00 AM. On Sunday night, Monday morning, these programs are collections of the live mixes or sound collages that I enjoyed making these words sample or dance based, mixing. It's more like sound from the psychologist could last moments straight on and on to that place. Speaker 1 00:00:32 Ah, I wonder if I said you're listening to fresh air radio, the community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM, because if I didn't, I'm supposed to, um, anyway, this is a show called technological retreat and it goes from one to 6:00 AM on Sunday nights and Monday mornings. And it's about if there's a schedule. I can't cheat. Um, what I like to do is I like to experiment and play with radio because I kind of feel it's a medium that isn't used to its potential. And when everyone goes away, I sneak out of one of the closets that that's here at the station that no one knows about and come out and play around. And, uh, by the time that Everett and bill come in at six o'clock, I've got the place all cleaned up and I'm running it on autopilot. So don't tell anyone, you know, it's a pretty good joke, but that's really what's going on. Speaker 0 00:02:00 <inaudible> <inaudible> bumper sticker. Are you excited? Where do you find yourself? Speaker 2 00:06:32 Frankie Valli. Frankie Valley. Okay. It's four, four, five, five, 4:00 AM. You are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information or Tim and the arts KPI, Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM. We have a late breaking news story. Yeah. Um, Jim Morrison was seen going into a Wendy's Speaker 2 00:07:10 With Elvis Novus of all people. I saw Jimmy Hendrix, Jimi Hendrix was serving them and he was cleaning out the Manet's container in the back of the kitchen. And John Kennedy came down in a flying saucer and landed in the back porch and he had a great new diet recipe. Martin Luther King was there too. Yeah, it was Bobby. Yep. I saw them all. They were all there. Believe me. We have seen them brothers and sisters and we got the milkshake and Bobby McGee. We have the milkshakes to prove it. Anyway, you are listening to technological retreat here on cafe. And that last bit was, um, just some four-track TV sampling and stuff like that. Speaker 0 00:07:54 <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:10:28 The way it goes. No one really knows. Hello, two 30, two and 21 seconds. Am you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM, how would he, um, that was Husker du sort of by request with sunshine. Superman. That's a nice sign. Speaker 0 00:11:01 Yes. Speaker 2 00:11:09 There, um, style council with money, go around to buy the meat puppets creator and two rivers from there up on the sun album. Um, she divides water by camper van Beethoven, destination the call. I have fatigue part two also by camper van Beethoven. And before that was a mix of, um, the shoe day 87 commemorative series and Sakara dogs from their record thirst. Yep. So it's now two 30, three 33 phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. If you've got a request, if not do something else, but stay tuned. Nonetheless. Speaker 3 00:12:03 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:13:44 It's two 21:41 AM. You are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM. I hope you stay tuned. I know I will. This is music from Marlboro country and two guys from Montana altogether. At the same time, that's kind of appropriate. Isn't it? I mean, Montana, the wilds, she Speaker 3 00:14:20 <inaudible>, Speaker 4 00:16:13 You will never know it all day. It won't be faith. Believe that another world is barking. Play the telephone, the electric light, the blanket, the radio and TV. God help us in the future. Speaker 3 00:16:46 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:17:57 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:18:17 Oh, okay. That was Tupelo chain sex with spot. The difference from their album spot. The difference. Fine, fine sign. Yes. Um, before that was the tail end of the film plan nine from outer space. God help us in the future. Speaker 0 00:18:36 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:18:52 A bit of Ricard Strauss is death and transfiguration, Nick cave and the bad seeds by request with Tupelo Samora music from Marlboro country. I think that was that set. Actually it's too. Oh, you're in North forest. It's two 38, 28. Am. You are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment, the arts and late night audio meanderings yes. Find out what Greg's brain sounds like at two 30 in the morning. Listen to cafe I and Sunday nights, the phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. If you have a request, give me a call. That's what I'm here for. Coming up. Next will be a track or two from the Ralph records, potatoes sampler record, starting off with negative land and perfect scrambled eggs. The phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. Speaker 0 00:20:03 It looks like <inaudible> Speaker 3 00:21:43 <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 5 00:26:12 <inaudible>. Speaker 0 00:29:04 He could only offer a few words of <inaudible> his outrage. Then once again, American <inaudible> will be held on Monday <inaudible> Speaker 5 00:29:43 <inaudible> Speaker 3 00:29:46 <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 5 00:30:43 <inaudible> Speaker 3 00:31:08 <inaudible> Speaker 5 00:31:40 Blah, blah, blah. Give me a call. If you want to hear something, give me a call. If you don't want to hear something, what else? I don't know. Give me a break. It's three in the morning. Speaker 3 00:32:17 <inaudible> <inaudible> just going through the motions with only two weeks left. Anyway, I have a shot at making a playoff contenders medic Jack rugby stadium today. Pittsburgh's terrible. Terrible, terrible time. Pittsburgh was nine to seven you're in the third quarter when Mark Malone deep vies Weegee Thompson, these all down inside the ten two plays later, still Burton go alone. <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:44:13 Hello, three 30 1:15 AM. You are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe, Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM, I, you were just listening to a mix of, uh, John Zorn, New York composer, saxophone player, arranger type of guy kind of massacring the music of Ennio Morricone. We heard the big gun down, poor sore Loveville and poverty from the film. Once upon a time in America, that's from the album, the big gun down Music from the morning of the world, the Balinese gamelan, and that was Tkachuk dance, gamelan, gong caviar. Sure. And see car Luray are right, uh, vacation number one, which is a four track tape mix, collage tape. Um, let's see. Yeah, that was, that played for quite a while. Actually. That was a nice one. I liked it. Okay. Um, it's three 30, 2:50 AM. You're still listening to technological retreat, which is still on cafe. I I'm still Greg. You're still you. Isn't that great. It's amazing how things work like that sometimes. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:46:06 Jane, with the high and the low seven, <inaudible> represent the last thing of the Passover lamb. Speaker 2 00:46:28 Hello everybody. It's one 12:29 AM. And you are listening to fresh air radio for 10 years. The community's voice for information entertainment and the arts cafe in Minneapolis and St. Paul at 90.3 FM, how do you that last tune was the lounge lizards, uh, no pain for cakes from the album of the same name. And it started off with the butthole surfers with Boyle dove. And that's from the smack, my crack compilation album and a gr no pornea corneal poetry systems records. Um, you're listening to a show called technological retreats here every Sunday night, Monday morning from one to 6:00 AM. My name is Greg. The phone number here is seven two one four nine three six. If you want to make a request type thing, um, lots of things happen here, like to thank all of you, people who cleansed and, uh, would encourage you to send that in and make it real as soon as possible. Once again. Thank you and stay tuned. Speaker 3 00:47:32 <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 5 00:50:23 <inaudible> Speaker 3 00:52:57 <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 5 00:54:06 Well, I don't know. <inaudible> computer control. <inaudible> control. I have double algorithm, computer control. You want to go to longitude latitude one 73.176 spot overlay and the Cape say 99% probability that it will take place at two, three <inaudible> time scale. We regret on able to pinpoint, Speaker 0 00:56:35 Did you get the location? <inaudible> goes too quickly and just slow it down. I'm most certainly this is a controlled experiment. We're going to conduct the precise <inaudible> <inaudible>. Thanks for listening in and taking a technological retreat back into the 20th century. My name is Greg Carter and I created a 1989 on caffeine, fresh air community radio, and I'm very happy to be presenting these examples and experiment Speaker 5 00:59:22 Radio programming. Thanks also to cafe I and cafe, fresh air radio for hosting these programs KFH is the dollars has been a listener supported independent community oriented radio station. If you like that idea and enjoy the creative, independent programmers and programming that has produced, please consider pledging your financial support at cafe high.

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